Tuesday, August 23, 2005


This is the blog and online homebase for the forum of nine, which is a group of nine friends who have moved apart but have continued an online dialogue since the summer of 1997. While the dialogue has traditionally been conducted via email or other such private communication, hopefully this online iteration will be easier for all to access and enjoy. The forum of nine consists of-

Hard- The unofficial founder of the group, originator of the online midnight beer meetings in the late 90's, and graphic artist extraordinaire. Based in Madison, WI, where his sausage and cheese intake is doing bad things to his cardiac health.

E ("House MD")- This quiet, understated doctor lives in Michigan with his wife and chocolate lab, and enjoys golf, Pink Floyd, and re-runs of the Golden Girls, Dallas, and Falconcrest. Has a fondness for minivans and untimely run-ins with high school administrators.

GRide- Born in Florida, raised in Iowa, schooled in the midwest, and now practicing corporate law from the backseat of a convertible in Phoenix, AZ. GRide is tan year-round and once ate at Wendy's 94 times in a one-week period.

Tito Puente- Born in Miami, raised in the VIP lounges at the Bubble Room and Crobar, has engaged in torrid affairs with women from over 95 countries, and now deals in commercial real estate in Denver and is a quality control narc for Porsche.

Tim- Spends days as a corporate cog at a law firm, and nights memorizing the Family Guy, Phish set lists, and Wes Anderson screenplays. Home is the Windy City.

La Cigüeña Loca- or the Mad Stork, finished Princeton University in 2001 and has started 39 graduate programs since then. Currently working through business school at the University of Chicago and engaging in social misfit activities such as stealth bow-hunting, sleeping on subways, and day trading.

Loyd- Is an accomplished forestry stud after recently finishing graduate school at the University of Idaho. Look for him to move in with Yogi bear at Jellystone or a national park near you (preferably one with a high sasquatch population).

Blando- A forester as well, blando spends his free time away from Iowa State University canoeing through flood waters in the middle of nowhere for the DNR and gambling on poker, darts, and golf.

Gate- A Georgetown grad, DC transplant, and Harvard Law alum, Gate now divides his time between two part-time jobs- international finance lawyer and slot monkey at Dave & Buster's in Chicago. It's arguable in which capacity he exhibits more talent.

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